Sunday, January 27, 2008

dada, a-dah, mama & Ah-ma

Yep, you guessed it, the title is baby words. The funny thing is, before I had a child, I thought my friends who translated for their children were nuts. Now I find myself translating for my daughter. My friend's child would say "Gah-dah" and my friend would laugh and look at me and ask "Do you know what he is saying?" I would stare blankly at her, then realizing she honestly thought I understand her child's lingo. I would think fast and say any what it sounded like-to me,"Garbage?" My friend would frown disappointingly at me and say "No, he said Giraffe." Oh, that would make sense as he was pointing at a zoo picture. I just didn't "get it."

Nope, I didn't understand until I had my own child. I now understand the "baby-lingo" of my own child. The easy to understand ones are; Mama and Dada. Now, when she finishes her food she states "Ah-dah' which means "All Done." Her newest is after evening prayers she says"Ah-ma" which means "Amen." We went to church today and I was so proud of my daughter piping "Ah-Ma-Ah-Ma." I realize though, that all the people around me hadn't had a clue that was what she was saying- but we did. As I tucked our babe into bed tonight she sighed "Niii." I know can look back at how proud my friend was of her son saying "Gah-dah" and understand why she was so proud. I can also now understand how she knew what the child was saying was indeed not garbage- but real words- real language that meant least to mom :)

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