Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all you moms out there! Like for most women, until you become a mom you have no way to know how you could love someone else so much. Especially when they look at you with their little eyes and smile!
It is hard to believe, but my little guy will be 1 years old next week!
The sediment "the days are long, but the years are short" is so true. Gosh, remember how those first 6 weeks were a total blur?! My friend Sharon says that truly the first 16 weeks are the most challenging.
It was like groundhogs day for me- sleep 2 hours, eat, poop, sleep 2 hours... Not that by any means we are saying we didn't love them, but Come On! How ridiculous- you go from once sleeping 7-8 hours per night, sleeping in a on weekends to virtually no sleep for weeks on end! It truly it is the hardest "work" but one with the biggest rewards!
I cannot tell you how it melted my heart when my son said Ma Ma for the first time... now, after he says it 20 times in a row- not so cute, but ya know.
Or the time he did his first sign. After months of staring and laughing at me, he lifted his little hand and signed "milk". Amazing.
I hope all you moms are enjoying your precious little ones as much as I am.

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