Friday, August 8, 2008

Introducing utensils

Once your baby starts eating solid and finger foods, I think they get a kick out of using their little hands to eat... and then it gets old! Recently my 14 month old has decided he does not like to sit in his highchair for long periods of time (i.e: the time it would take to eat a full meal). So, what is a mom to do?!
Well, it dawned on me that since the little one LOVES to eat whatever we are eating we could make a fun new game out of it. He now enjoys eating off my fork... hmm. So, I started giving him one to try himself. Guess what? He now sits in his highchair longer now and eats with his little fork. I help him at times of course. I show him how to "stab" the food and put it into his mouth. He seems so impressed with himself when he makes contact and gets the food into his mouth!
Give it a try and see how your little ones does!

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