Monday, August 18, 2008

Baby Registry 101: Lesson #12 - The Diaper Bag

Ahhh... the diaper bag. You know you need one, but how do you decide which one will be THE ONE?! There are SOOO many on the market today, it is hard to choose.
I know some of you look for one that is basic, some of you go for the extravagant but not practical one. I had a friend tell me that she didn't put much thought into the diaper bag and ended up regretting her choice. Why? First, she said the busy pattern got really old to look at. Second, she spent $100 on it but it within the first 3 months it riped. Then she had to buy another one. She calculated if she combined the two cost, she should have invested in a quality bag up front! This is not to say, you MUST spend a lot. But, you have to choose wisely.

Here are a few things to keep in mind and also some of our favs.

  1. Practical- Things to consider: Pockets for creams, cell phone, change, binkys and bottles. Can you wipe it down or wash it easily?
  2. Stylish- This is HUGE! Yes, it needs to be functional but it also can look good too! First, of all think of this as your new handbag. You will be carrying it for at least two years, it is worth a little splurging.
  3. Quality- As stated earlier, this is a bag you will have for the next 2, maybe 3 years. And if you have another baby, even longer. So choose one that will hold up and last over time.
Our favorite is... the Nest whipstitch diaper bag
As seen on Heidi Klum and other celebs, these bag are great!
Why? The inside lining completely can be removed and can be machined washed. Comes in two colors.

Also, for those men who are bag-phobic, these man bags are perfect for a daddy outing!

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