Thursday, October 9, 2008

Signing with baby

Since my son was about 3 months old, I started doing a few signs and repeating both the sign and the word associated with it. It was so cool when one day around 10 months, he reached his little hand up and did the sign for Milk! Recently he started signing the word "more"- so fun
I would recommend not trying to teach them a bunch of new signs all at once. Pick a few that you want to start with and change it up which one you do. So, every time you hand baby a bottle, do both the sign for Milk & say what it is.
Don't underestimate the power of daily repetition of actions and repeating of words!!
Also, even if the sign isn't exactly the correct way, as long as you and baby both know what it means that is ok. My son does "all done"- by raising his arms up and tapping his head-- it is so cute! In the beginning, he just did the sign, but now he does the sign and if I don't see him, he says- AHH Done.
A video that a friend gave me was called Signing Times. It is great. I just learned that this CD is actually a tv show on PBS- check you're local listings for it.
Happy signing!

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